Looking for ways to serve at Ames? The Welcome Center is blossoming and the coffee area is becoming a popular place to meet and greet people on Sunday mornings. We are pleased and excited about this, but find that we are in need of more helpers to keep it run-ning smoothly.
If you have the gift of serving, you might like to help make the coffee and clean up on one Sunday each month. Or you may like to greet people as they come in and welcome any newcomers with a warm smile and a gift bag.
Stop by the Welcome Center or call 792-9517 and let Bev Heitkamp know if you are interested in helping in either of these ways.
Special thanks to Mary Tunney for bringing in good-ies to share at the Welcome Center the past few weeks. If you would like to share a treat, please sign up on the sheet provided. If you would like to give a donation to help with the expenses for the coffee and hot chocolate, there are envelopes available at the Welcome Center. Any help is appreciated.