Sanctuary News (View all stories)

  • Celebrating-jesus-birthday Jesus' Birthday Bash - Families with children preschool through fifth grade are invited to come and celebrate the birth of our Savior with us on Sunday, December 14th at 6pm in rooms 11 and 12! There will be activities, games and fun to remind us why we really celebrate Christmas! Dinner and a Christmas treat will be provided. Fell free to bring a friend! A head count is needed prior to the party so please sign up in room 12 or email Sarah brennan at or call her at... More →
  • M Plots for Sale - Former members, Larry and Mary Brown, own one lot on a hill called Garden of Peace at Eastlawn Memorial Gardens on Holland Road in Saginaw. This one lot has two entombment spaces on it. They now live in Ohio and are not able to use it. - Best offer will aquire the lot and they will share a portion of the sale with Ames UMC for our new air conditioner. To place an offer or for any questions, call them at... More →
  • giving tree2 Giving Tree - The tags are all gone from the Giving Tree! If you did not get a chance to grab a tag you can still help. Financial donations are still needed to cover the cost of food cards and household goods. Personal items such as toothburshes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo and deodorant are needed as well as household items including toilet paper, and cleaning supplies. - Thank you so much Ames Church for your generosity this Christsmas... More →
  • Mittens-and-gloves-and-hats-oh-my Making a Difference - As the weather continues to get colder, many kids have no winter clothes to keep them warm. Ames can make a difference to children right here in the neighborhood. The Local Missions Ministry team is collecting new or gently used hats, mittens, coats and boots for the kids across the street at Stone Elementary School. - The clothes are kept in the office and given to children in need throughout the winter. All sizes are needed. We also are still collecting new underwear (sizes 5-8) and socks for Stone School. - this Collection will continue through January. Please drop off your donations by the Giving Tree in the upper lobby. We will deliver them to the school. - Together we can make a difference to children and show God's... More →
  • Help Brighton Someones Christmas Help brighten Someone's Christmas - The Giving Tree is in the upper lobby of the church. This is one way that the Ames family helps to show the love of Jesus to others at Christmastime. Please check out the tree, pick a tag or two, buy and wrap the gift(s), and bring them back to place un-der the tree, with the tag attached, by December 14. You may also donate money to buy a food card for a family or so that someone else can shop for gifts. Any size financial donations are welcome. We will deliver the gifts during the week of Dec. 14. Help us make this a joyous Christmas for these families! We are also collecting new or used coats, hats, gloves and mittens for some of these families--if they have indicated that they need a coat. Check the list by the Giving Tree or bring coats in by Dec. 4 and we will match them to a need. Please call Susan Martinez (401-1911) or Kaycee Clark (395-2820) if you would like to help or have questions. - -Sponsored by the Local Missions Team. - Also, remember Stone School kids by donating new or gently used coats, hats, mittens (waterproof preferred) and boots--all elementary kids sizes are welcome--and our ongoing collection of underwear and socks (sizes 5 - 8), uniform (plain color) pants and collared shirts--remember that children come in all sizes! Call Cathy Campbell if you have questions (792-6725).--Cathy Campbell, Local Missions... More →
  • 2014 Christmas Offering 2014 Christmas Offering - Malaria knows no end without all of us raising funds for the "Imagine No More Malaria Initiative". Michigan's United Methodist Churches' goal is $1.5 million. This will save 150,000 lives. As of September, we have raised more than half of the funds. Gifts and pledges of $700,000 are needed between now and December 31, 2014. - Ames’ Christmas offering will go towards this disease. It is preventable, treatable and beatable. Our gifts also fight against Ebola. Our healthcare workers are on the frontline fighting both diseases. - This offering will be collected on Sunday, December 21. Please send a Christmas gift that will reach around the... More →
  • Jesus Birthday Bash Jesus' Birthday Bash - Families with children preschool through fifth grade are invited to come and celebrate the birth of our Savior with us on Sunday, December 14th at 6pm in rooms 11 and 12! There will be activities, games and fun to remind us why we really celebrate Christmas! Dinner and a Christmas treat will be provided. Feel free to bring a... More →
  • Kingdom Work kingdom Work - Ron and Mary Tunney, Isaiah Castillo, and Noah Clark recently helped out with landscaping and welding. If you have skills that we could use for kingdom work, please call the church office (989-754-6373). There are more opportu-nities than you... More →
  • Bone Marrow3 Bone Marrow Registry Drive--A Big Success! - It started at station #1Chairs at Station 2 quickly filled up as people filled out the registry information forms. - TV5 and Channel 25 showed up and interviewed people who came to beregistered. - The goal was to find a match for Derrick Nash, a Carrollton High School graduate and member of Central Michi-gan University’s football team, who needs a bone morrow transplant to help him beat cancer.Eighty people joined the registry on Wednesday, November 19 and 65% of them were minorities, which Michigan Blood hoped to accomplish. Recipients find a better match from someone within their own ethnic group. - The bottom three pictures include TV5’s Faith Gantner; members Fred, Michelle & Brennan Burks and nursing students (who helped with the drive); and a class of students from SVSU. The top two pictures are people from the Saginaw area who came to... More →
  • Roots Childrens Ministry 2 Roots children's ministry - Thank you to all of you who attended the Roots Children's Ministry Open House at the beginning of November! It is amaz-ing to see the church come alongside the children and support them. God is faithful and had has provided exactly what we needed! Thank you specifically to Julie Binder, Maggie Bolt, Steve Brennan, Lydia Carr, Jennifer Karls, Jill Lindenberg, Toni Marr, Melissa Mead-Doran, Karen Middleton, Jackie Ode, Lori Welsh and Amy Woodward for volunteering to serve in Roots children's church this... More →
  • Cool Air Cool Air - Praise God! Thanks to the generosity of many, the air conditioners are being installed in the sanctuary during the "off season". The costs have been covered and it will be ready to run when hot weather returns next summer. Some of our members have also pledged to add funds after the first of the year to help with costs of running the units when they are needed. The bulletin board, in the lower lobby, has an announcement of two cemetery lots for sale. When they sell, a portion of the money will also go for running the new air conditioners. - Thank you, each and every one, for the way this project all came together so smoothly. Also, a big thanks to the air conditioning company who has given us a GREAT... More →
  • After Christmas Project After Christmas project - Are you trying to find a place to recycle your Christmas cards? In January, place the front portion of your cards in the basket in the narthex. A craft project using these cards will be worked on later on in the... More →
  • Almost 500 Almost 500 - We are close to giving away our 500th com-puter! Many of them are pretty good (better than you would need to make resumes, do homework, search for jobs, etc.). We have machines that are wireless with plenty of speed. We have given them away to families in need, non-profit organi-zations and even to people who have started their own for-profit small businesses. Computer re-cipients go through an interview process and the only payment is that they are expected to pay it forward by blessing someone else or serving the community. - God has truly blessed this ministry so we can bless others. If you know of someone who needs a computer, have them call the church office for more information. - It pays to memorize scripture. Jesse recently challenged some students to memorize one verse and he would give them a dol-lar. He is working with his young friend, Azel, and it looks... More →
  • Selfie “Selfie” - Cool photo taken by Gessana, daughter of Richard and Gianna Castillo, at a recent eve-ning Revolution Youth night. Also pictured are Josh Duby and Kaycee Clark. - Two students really opened up at Steppin’ Up this past week and gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God! These two stu-dents were girls and it happened in the context of our small groups. We desperately need 1-2 more adult women to join us in this ministry after school on Wednesdays. Contact Duane Thomas or Jesse Karls if you can... More →
  • Shovel_Dirt Building Support - Over the next five years some serious projects need to be undertaken that could cost up to $250,000 to complete. Please consider giving to building... More →
  • building-fund-flyer Ames Building Fund What is it? - Trustees Ministry - Download printable flyer... More →




 Christmas Countdown





We know it can be a little unnerving to step into a new thing, especially when you’re not exactly sure about the details that matter to you. If you have any questions about Ames Church, this is a great place to look around and find out more or you can email us at:

Ames is a multi-cultural church located in the heart of Saginaw, working to serve the Lord through our community.  With a passion to see the life-transforming power of Jesus Christ renew our lives and flood our city, we are diligently seeking God’s truth, His refuge and His vision for Saginaw. Please join us to see what the Lord has in store for you!

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  Ames United Methodist Church - FaithStreet On homepage, link to church Facebook pageSermon-Podcast Obituaries/ Monthly Calendar Full ScreenView Calendar Full Screen SUNDAY WORSHIP TIMES 8:45 Traditional worship music 10:00 Small groups & coffee 11:00 Contemporary worship music Purpose-300x122

“Called to remain in the city of Saginaw, Ames UMC is a thriving Christian community committed to Jesus Christ and to each other, applying our faith through words and works for the transformation of lives and the revival of the city, all to the glory of God”

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