
Everyone is welcome to come and bring a friend to the 30 minute presentation Billy Graham Ministries presentation, “My Hope”. The video is an excellent way for you to share your faith with your friends and neighbors.


Ames will be holding a special 3 week RTG Dance Class for students 5-8 years-old. They will dance on Sunday, November 24th along with the older girls’ classes. This special class will meet Saturdays, November 9, 16 and 23 from 9:00-10:30am at Ames. Students should wear clothing they can move easily in. for the performance they will need black pants. Cost: $5.00 which includes a T-shirt. Registration forms are available at the Welcome Center. Questions contact Sue Passeno 989-233-4162.

No (regular) DANCE Classes this Wed or Thursday, Oct 30 & 31.


It’s time to stock up on food and make a donation to the Food Pantry at First Presbyterian Church. Bring in a can or a box of food and place it in the grocery cart by the closets in the upper lobby. Soup, stew, canned meats, juice, macaroni and cheese or spaghetti are always needed. We will collect food through Sunday, November 3. Thanks for helping to feed the hungry in our city.


Crews begin preparing food on Tuesday, November 26 at 6:30pm and are needed through Thursday November 28 to serve and clean up. Crew lists will be available in the Narthex during November for you to sign up to help or you can call Jackie Ode at 695-2064. We also accept monetary donations to help cover the cost of the food. Pies are also appreciated for desserts. Thank you for once again volunteering to help with this community family dinner.


We want to thank all the walkers, sponsors, and those who supported this year’s CROP Walk with prayers.  The weather was wonderful, and although the totals are not in, Ames participants have raised over $500.00 so far.  If anyone still has their envelopes please call (Amy Hayes) and she will arrange to get them.  Thanks!!

A grade

On Wednesdays at Tutoring & Steppin’ Up. 20+ kids attending and they’re bringing their homework. See Jesse to help!


We’re asking you to take a stand for ministry here at Ames by turning in your 2014 Estimate of Giving card this month. Your support is very valuable in supporting the various ministries at Ames. Please take time to fill out a card and drop it in the box on the usher’s table today.


Friday, Nov 8 at 6pm or Sunday, Nov 17 at 2:30pm We are offering 2 beginning sessions introducing the first map in the Listen to My Life map series. This is a unique visual tool that helps you invite God into the process of reviewing your past. Assessing your present and continuing to walk with God into your future. This class is open to Ames as well as other family and friends from other churches. Each class is limited to the first 8 to sign up. Fliers are available in the lobby. Call Sue Passeno (233-4162) or Roberta Helpap (753-9239) for more information.




Thank you very much to all who have given their used glasses through our missions program. We recently mailed 65 pair of glasses to MOST ministries who sent them all over the world and fit them to people who need that prescription strength. Right now, Most Ministries are in need of sunglasses. It also helps if you have glass cases you are not using. The cases protect the glasses when we mail them. God bless you for all your contributions. If you have any questions you can call 777-1625 and ask for Jan.


It’s time to stock up on food and make a donation to the Food Pantry at First Presbyterian Church. Bring in a can or a box of food and place it in the grocery cart by the closets in the upper lobby. Soup, stew, canned meats, juice, macaroni and cheese or spaghetti are always needed. We will collect food through Sunday, November 3. Thanks a lot for helping to feed the hungry in our city.

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