“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 19:19 

Want to make some good news today? Come reach out with us in the Stone School neighborhood.  The goal is simple- to love others as God loves us- unconditionally & practically! Here’s a glimpse of opportunities to bless others at Ames:


Blood pressure

Come & have your blood pressure taken on the first Sunday of every month at 10:00.


Drive Ministry

Giving away FREE computers in the name of Christ.


Food Bank

You can donate toward local hunger on Sundays. We send weekly food donations to the Food Pantry at 1st Presbyterian Church.


Giving Tree

Every Christmas Ames members sign up to buy and deliver gifts to neighborhood families. It’s a great way to share the joy of the season with others in the Stone School area.


Neighborhood Festival

This annual free parking lot party is for our neighbors and congregation in July. We serve pulled pork and beef hot dogs. We play music and there are many activities including pony rides, face painting, portraits, games, and more!


Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry

Ames knitters meet regularly during the year to make and bless shawls for the sick, those going through difficult situations, and our high school graduates, among others. No two shawls are alike, but each one is lovingly knit and prayed over by the group before it is given away.


Ride Ministry
Giving away bikes for FREE in the name of Christ.



Catch a fly ball! Run a base! Cheer for your favorite team! High school youth and older are eligible to play. Listen for announcements in the spring.


Sunshine Community Garden

We team with residents of the Stone School neighborhood in the summer to plant a vegetable and flower garden on Ames property. Some of the resulting produce is given to families in the neighborhood, while other veggies are used in a series of healthy cooking classes, held in the church kitchen.


Thanksgiving Dinner

Neighbors and members come either to help make it, serve it, clean it up or eat it. Come and enjoy this free dinner in gratitude for God’s goodness to us.


Visit shut ins

Be a light in someone’s life today and visit a shut in. The Bible says, “True religion is visiting orphans and widows” Callers meet weekly for lunch and to decide who to visit.

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