“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14


Children matter to God.

Basketball camp- Does your child love basketball?  Develop ball handling skills and work with great role models at Aim High basketball camp every June!


Camp- Members’ children get generous camperships to go to Bay Shore Camp in Sebewaing bayshorecamp.org


Children’s choir- Learn more about this on the “worship” page.


Children’s worship activities- During the 11:00 sermon, your children can have child-friendly Bible lessons downstairs. Both worship services also offer “quiet bags”, children’s bulletins and a parlor for nursing mothers.


Girls’ dance worship- Learn more about this on the “worship page”


Nursery- If you need some space to recharge with God, you can trust your children to our safe, staffed nursery during worship services & Sunday School.


Sunday groups- Birth through 5th grade meet at 10:00 to know God & the Bible, allowing parents some time for adult conversation around the building.


Tutoring- Let safe, nurturing adults encourage your children’s studies or come and help!


Vacation Bible School- Our VBS happens in June.


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