Revolution Student Ministries at Ames had it’s 4th annual 30 Hour Famine to raise money to feed hungry people and to raise awareness of the problem of hun-ger. It is also an opportunity for participants to better understand what it’s like to be hungry by going more than 30 hours without eating.
This year’s event included plenty of fun games and outings, including an SVSU basketball game and sled-ding/skating at Hoyt Park, as well as thought provoking moments such as working as a team to build a card-board dwelling, mimic what it might be lick to have nu-tritional/hunger related issues for 30 minutes straight, and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with my neighborhood.
We also had a pop can drive as well as the pancake breakfast in between services on Sunday morn-ing. Donations of pop cans continue to come in, but the initial fundraising total from the weekend of events was $742.00! Praise the Lord! The fundraising total will be split evenly between the Saginaw City Rescue Mission and World Vision, both of which regularly feed the hungry, meet other basic needs, and share the good news of Jesus Christ! Thank you Ames for your support!