Cindy Brown, World Missions Coordi-nator, is asking you to financially sup-port the United Methodist campaign Imagine No Malaria during Lent. Brightly colored bags will be available for you to pick up on Sunday, March 2 to begin filling with your loose change or extra dollars from Sunday, March 9 through Palm Sunday, April 13. Bags will be available throughout Lent in case you fill one up and need another. On Palm Sunday, bring your bags back for a special offering which will support the fight against Malaria.
In addition to your financial support, join with others in increasing your knowledge about Malaria by following the “60 seconds” suggested weekly study, to the right.
For deeper study and prayer, join with Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey’s “Journey to Life,” a 40-day devotional delivered to your email address. The
beautiful devotions are authored by lay and clergy leaders in Michigan. Regis-ter for these daily devotionals by going to
Click on the No More Malaria link on the left side and then click on the “Journey to Life” link on the bottom of the page.