
The Member Care Team is in the process of evaluating its function and activities during this past year. As we plan for the coming year, we need your input to make sure we are engaging in activities that are meeting your needs as a member/regular visitor. Your feedback i s greatly appreciated. Please take a moment to answer the questions, tear off this part of the bulletin and leave it at the Welcome Center. Thank You.

1.) What could the Church do to make you feel more connected to the church body and its activities?


2. Would you like to be a part of a small group? If yes, describe what that group would look like to you (focus, make-up of the group e.g., women, men, couples between a certain age group, etc.) If NO, skip to question #5.


3.) What day of the week, time and location would work best for you to meet in a small group?


4.) Would you be willing to lead a small group of your choosing? If yes, please list your name and contact number.


5.) What activities would you like to see the Member Care team do more of?


6.) Would you like to see combined church services (Traditional with Contemporary) done occasionally? ___ Yes (specify how frequent) ___ No (briefly explain why not)


7.) What service to you regularly attend? ____ Traditional (8:45-10am), ____ Contemporary (11am – 12:30pm)

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