We’re in the month of Thanksgiving and that means it’s time for TURKEY! It also means that once again our Ames family will open up the house and invite our church family and our neighborhood community to a Thanksgiving Feast! And to make it a success, we need your help.
Starting 6:30 pm on Tuesday evening, November 25 through 3 pm on Thursday, November 27, we need crews to set up, cook, serve and clean up. Please sign up on the worksheets provided in the upper lobby each Sunday in November or call Jackie Ode at 695-2064. If working a shift is not something you can do, we also need monetary donations to help cover the cost of the food. Please place your donations in the collection plate, clearly labeled Thanksgiving Dinner, or drop them off to Marlene Howell or Jackie Ode at the sign up table. We also need pumpkin pies and fruit pies which should be delivered to the church on Wednesday, November 26.
Even if you are not a member of a work crew, you are more than welcome to join us for dinner. The feast is served between 12pm and 2 pm on Thanksgiving Day. Your help is needed. Your help is appreciated. Thank you in advance! We are all blessed with a wonderful church family.

Turkey Time

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